"Ere now! Wot do you think you're doin'?" bellowed the big Black Orc Boss. Furtive Goblin faces turned round and flinched instinctively.
"Nuffink Boss, just 'aving a bit of grub is all," whimpered the bravest of the greenskins.
"Don't give me that. Yer up to sumfink..." The towering Orc looked around suspiciously. "Where's Ratgash? You 'aven't et im?" There was a shocked silence.
"Et Ratgash," the Goblin sounded hurt. "'Et Ratgash. That's disgustin' Boss. E's one of us ladz."
"Besides," squeaked another greenskin "'E's all grease and gristle 'im. Give us all innagestion e' would."
"Then who is this then?" The Black Orc pointed a damning claw towards the meal. "And none of yer lies or I'll give yer sumfink a whole lot worse than innagestion."
"er... Gitter, Boss. One of Maggot's lot. But 'e was dead when we found 'im." The Goblin paused a moment. "Course 'e claimed 'e was just sleepin'...but that lots is all liars ain't they." The Goblins nodded reassuringly on this point. No Goblin really trusted another, and with good reason.
"Well that's all right then," pronounced the Black Orc. "Carry on. And you'll save me a leg if you know what's good for you."