And let the heriots be as it is fitting to the degree. An eorl's such as thereto belongs, that is, eight horses, four saddled and four unsaddled, and four helmets and four coats of mail, and eight spears and as many shields, and four swords and 200 mancuses of gold. And after that, a king's thegn's, of those who are nearest to him; four horses, two saddled and two undo saddled, and two swords and four spears and as many shields, and a helmet and a coat of mail and fifty mancuses of gold. And of the medial thegns, a horse and his trappings and his arms; or his healsfang in Wessex; and in Mercia two pounds, and in East Anglia two pounds. And the heriot of a king's thegn among the Danes, who has his soken, four pounds. And if he have further relation to the king, two horses, one saddled and the other unsaddled, and one sword and two spears and two shields and fifty mancuses of gold; and he who is of less means, two pounds.
-From the Laws of Cnut
My Anglo-Danish army in all it's glory |
Finally finished with my Anglo-Danes for Saga (until I add more). This batch was actually the most enjoyable to paint and I, I think anyway, came out the bests of the bunch. They were pretty much painted exactly the same as all the others, so I won't bore you with the details, but I think I finally got a hang of painting all the cloth; it isn't really what I am used to as science fiction and fantasy models tend to be way more dramatic in shape and bright in color.
I also added a priest as what self-respecting Christian army would go to war against the evil pagans without spiritual backup. I would have preferred one that looked a little more "pious" but I was too cheap to by the three pack from Footsore and instead settled on the model sold individually!
Those turned out really nice Dyer! Are you playing SAGA regularly?
ReplyDeleteThanks! And you know me, I don't play anything regularly 😂
DeleteInspiring stuff mate! Bravo for getting them done.
DeleteLooking great!
DeleteGreat force. I like that they are drab, but not so drab that the figures look muddied, if you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteThanks! In my younger days I hung out with a lot of reenactors. You'd be surprised how vibrant natural dyes can be!
DeleteGreat looking figures, inspired job...and I love this charismatic and motivated priest !
ReplyDeleteThanks! He's a great models even if he's not got the demeanor I really wanted. But then all the Footsore models are great.
DeleteGot a lot of gripping beast to paint up as I'm making a 3rd ed norse army with my buddy atom. So I'll be checking back on these for inspiration.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot to be said for more muted colours on minis sometimes.
What lacquer do you use to dull off the shields?
Thanks! For the lacquer I use a mix of Vallejo satin and matte varnish through the airbrush. Roughly 50:50. The Matte by itself is too dull.