Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Gunners Roll On!

So I've got one final Bloodbowl model to show off. What would a Dwarf team be with out a Death Roller? Not a fun team, that's what!

So of course, I had to get a Death Roller. The second iteration has always been my favorite, even though it lacks the classic look of the original and the dynamism of the most recent incarnation. But it was the first Death Roller I was exposed to, and as Dwarfs are my first love (Warhammerly speaking), I fondly remember oohing and ahhing over it in the pages of White Dwarf...somewhere around the 180 range.

This model was a ton of fun to paint. The driver was painted the same as the rest of the Dwarfs on the team. For the Death Roller itself, I left it metallic, mostly brass. I started with a base of Hashut Copper, washed with Army Painter Strong Tone Ink, and then highlighted with Runelord Brass, Sycorax Bronze, and then Stormhost Silver. I applied some green washes to simulate weathering, but that muted the colors too much, making it look like dirty steel. So I applied a few glazes of chestnut ink to bring back out the reds.

The Steels were painted with Ironbreaker highlighted with Stormhost Silver and washed with thinned Typhus Corrosion.

The copper lines were the old hex pot copper (no idea what the name was) and highlighted, but I forget how. The Dwarf icons were Stormhost Silver washed with P3 armor wash.

The weathering on the roller was done by painting streaks Ammo of Mig Streaking Grime and Light Rush Wash, Dark Earth pigments mixed with enamel thinner, Typhus Corrosion. After this was dry, I feathered out the enamel streaks. Then I lightly drybrushed the spikes with Stormhost Silver. After that I applied streaks of tamiya clear red, to simulate blood, and put some clumps of mud in random places on the roller. I ended up overdoing it a little because I didn't apply each of the enamel based products separately with varnish in-between. What ended up happening is some of the effects got too blended together, leading to the rust look being too widespread across the roller and somewhat drowning out the dirt and the grime.


  1. Still came out way cool. It looks like a well used meat tenderizer.

    1. Thanks! That was the look I was going for 😈

  2. Many goblins were squashed to bring us this post...

    Love it. I think the rust/mud/gore actually looks just fine and not over the top.

    1. I'm not happy with it mostly because it looked even better but I had to keep going :(

  3. Mmm ground meat never looked this... ground :D I love this model and this is my favourite version of it that I've seen! Nice work!

    1. Thanks! When hunting it down, I got a lot of questions about why I wanted this version. Glad I'm not the only one who likes it!
