Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Cult of the Jade Destroyer

"Soon," thought Ketnil. "Soon, we will bring enlightenment to the galactic outworld. These inbred hicks will know the bliss of our Patriarchs kiss and the wisdom of Magus Thy'rul'ak'l. But first, we must control the industry so they will be forced to listen!"

I'll admit I was bitten by the Genestealer cult bug. I've never been a fan of Tyranids and never really cared about purestrain genestealers. I also never really appreciated the old-school genestealer cults because I didn't get into 40k until well into second edition and missed their hay-day.

But when I saw the White Dwarf releasing the new genestealer cults, I was smitten. I was already planning on running out and buying a box of the new plastics, when I remembered I had picked up the Deathwatch Overkill box in a clearance sale a while back. Yay, I could feed my fix without having to spend money!

When I said above that I never really cared about purestrain genestealers, that doesn't mean I don't have any. I have the set from Space Hulk painted (by Darkblade). So I attempted to copy the color schemes used there. The only differences I made is the purple plastic armor (since genestealers don't have armor) and I "humaned" up the flesh tones.

I also began daydreaming about the background of the cult. I decided that they are a more religious based cult than a warrior based cult. I'm also a huge sucker for sea-green type colors right now. Thus, the Cult of the Jade Destroyer was born. I incorporated the jade into the chest armor as well.

I also decided this cult is on a desert world, so the base reflects this, as well as I tired to give a dusty appearance. I don't think I got the dustiness as well as I could have, I think on the next batch, I may apply some Ammo of Mig Rainmarks as well. These giant photos always make you notice all the things you need to improve next time!


  1. Pallid skin is very effective. Looking forward to seeing more of these.

    1. Thanks! I've got one more done that's true Oldhammer that'll get posted next.

  2. Nice. I've wanted Overwatch for awhile, but have too many big box games and unpainted figures right now. That's the irony of good photography, you see all the things you feel are imperfections.

    1. Agreed on both counts. I only picked it up because a local shop had it at 50% off.

      And a lot of the macro photography guides I've read actually suggest trying not to magnify to much for that very reason.

  3. Bloody hell mate - those are dead sexi.

    I see nothing wrong with them at all.

    1. Thanks! It's the magnification that lets me see everything wrong 😉
