Unfortunately, I took no pictures because the camera on my phone is, to put it politely, not good. However, many have been posted on the Oldhammer in the New World Facebook page and many more will be posted shortly on Sean's Wargames Corner, Give'em Lead, and Blue's Marauding Miniatures. Probably other places too.
UPDATE: ZeroTwentyThree has posted his coverage here
I wanted to give a big shout out to everyone who came, and especially everyone who ran games: Brian, Lissanne, Dustin, Ben, and especially James--who ran three different events! We also couldn't have done it without Sean and Richard who helped with a ton of the administrative tasks. And I can't forget Fimm McCool at Oakbound Games and Ramshackle Curtis at Ramshackle Games for providing us with limited edition event minis!
I had a blast playing in James' huge Space Hulk game. We had 5 squads of terminators and we almost pulled off the victory! James runs an amazing game. I also busted out the Gunners in a game of Bloodbowl against Lissanne's Chaos Dwarfs. No points were scored in an absolute slug fest between a pair of arch-rivals. Finally, I took a squad of marines into Nu Ork for Dustin's scenario. It was all great fun.
Oh, and I placed second in the Large Model category of the painting contest, and first in the Single Figure category! I'll show off the winning entry in my next post, but my second place entry was a Marauder Giant Ogre I previously showed off in my old Warseer log:

It was a great time. Congrats on the painting comp placement. It was really nice to meet all the people behind the names and see all these gorgeous figures in person. We got to talk a lot of Oldhammer, but we actually got to play a lot of Oldhammer. Well done on organizing this year's event.
ReplyDeleteThanks! It was a great time, shame you couldn't stay for more on Sunday!
DeleteWell done on the award!
ReplyDeleteEvent sounds jam packed full of fun stuff. Looking forward to seeing these reports.
Me too! I'm sure the attendees who are actually good at this blogging thing will do much better touring than I did. But it was great fun.
DeleteJust followed the link from the Oldhammer forum Ardyer. For a moment there I thought you had had a blog going for ages, under the radar, but I'm glad I didn't miss much.
ReplyDeleteGreat looking ogre! You can sure paint Andrew :)
Thanks! Now if I could just convert like you!
DeleteWith our powers combined.....:D
DeleteWhich one of us had to grow the green mullet then?
DeleteWhich one of us had to grow the green mullet then?
DeleteAs long as I don't get stuck with the "love ring", I don't care :)